The Bus Coalition urges Congress to restore bus transit funding for capital needs!
The Problem:
- Under MAP-21, dedicated bus capital funds were reduced from over 20% of dedicated transit capital funding, to 9.5% of the funds.
- MAP-21 eliminated the $984 million competitive Bus and Bus Facilities program, moving $422 million to a Formula Bus program (Section 5339) and created a net loss of $562 million, or 57 percent, to dedicated bus capital funding.
Our Request:
- The Bus Coalition requests that Congress, in addition to the (Section 5339), Bus Facilities and Formula Grants Program, establish a competitive Bus State of Good Repair program as a counterpart to the State of Good Repair program (Section 5337) or restore the old Bus & Bus Facilities with modifications.
- Either should be funded out of the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund.
- Either should be funded with at least $492 M for FY16, $ 687 M for FY17, $777 M for FY18, $878 M for FY19, $992 for FY20, 1.389B for FY21 with the proviso that no more than 4 percent would be available to any one recipient in any one grant year. These amounts represent 50% of the total bus-funding program with the remaining 50% coming from the Formula Bus program.
- The Formula Bus program (5339) should remain funded as is but designated recipient status should mirror 5307.
The Justification:
- Bus Transit needs have continued to grow during the three years that MAP-21 has been in existence and the lack of available funding is creating a crisis in the delivery of safe and reliable bus service. The longer bus systems go without proper funding, the greater the possibility systems will be forced to use older, higher-mileage buses to support their service area. This will increase maintenance costs, and decrease funds available for the purchase of newer and more efficient buses.
- While core formula funds can be used for bus capital needs, funds specific to capital investment are critical for transit agencies to plan their bus and facility replacement needs.
- Bus systems in the United States carry more than 52% of all transit riders and receive only 9.5% of transit capital program funds under MAP-21.