Learn more about the Coalition, who we are and what we do for you. We are growing, and need your help and support.
Restoring funding to federal bus programs is our main priority. We are your voice in Washington, DC.
In partnership with key members of the House and Senate, TBC helped create the Bipartisan Congressional Bus Caucus.
Representing 300+ members in 44 states and the District of Columbia, The Bus Coalition represents small, medium and large transit systems and stakeholders.
The Bus Coalition is growing your influence on Capitol Hill.
In 2015, TBC was successful in working with Hill champions to restore over $1 billion in funding to federal bus programs through the FAST Act. In FY18, FY19, FY20 and FY21 we were able to restore another $1.65 billion through the appropriations process and we continue to seek additional appropriations in the FY22 round.
In addition, TBC worked with its allies at APTA to secure $25 billion in the CARES Act Package and $30 billion in the American Rescue Plan to ensure transit systems have the resources to sustain operations through this trying time. However, there is a lot more to do. As we move toward reauthorization, we need your support to build our network of bus champions on the Hill.

The Need for Additional Bus Investment
According to 2018 NTD data, the percentage of buses operating past useful life has increased 48% while buses operating past 15 years increased a whopping 104%. In addition, bus fleet size has shrunk by 22% (16,304 buses) in just four years. It’s clear the diversion in resources away from bus programs has taken their toll on transit service.
The 22% reduction in fleet size directly corresponds to the 19% reduction in service hours and a 12% reduction in ridership. The FAST Act included some new funding for bus programs and restored the competitive grant account.
Despite the modest success in the FAST Act, more investment is needed to bring bus transit agencies to a state of good repair and start adding buses back into service.

Buses By the Numbers
Bus Transit is an integral part of American mobility and opportunity in small and large communities alike. The Bus Coalition’s sole mission is to increase federal support for this criticial piece of our country’s transportation and economic infrastructure.