
Announcing: The new & improved Bus Coalition Website!

As part of The Bus Coalition’s ongoing effort to broaden our reach and increase our impact, we have redesigned and rebuilt the Coalition website to reflect the full potential of our work together in the 115th Congress and beyond. Please take a look at our beta launch in the coming days and make any suggestions for additional pages or site features that will help us serve you better. www.buscoalition.com

A Few Key Updates:

Updated Design & Navigation

Developing a more modern design and site navigation system for ease of use for new users and established coalition members alike.

A bigger voice on the hill

New easy-access document archive and expanded Capitol Hill contact pages will increase our audience in DC and empower our members' voices in Congress.

Membership streamlining

The Bus Coalition is revamping and improving the membership signup and renewal process as part of this upgrade as well.

Be in touch with your ideas.

As we finalize the site in preparation for the 2019 membership drive, your reactions and input ar the most important thing to receive.  Please email Ed Redfern at ed@buscoalition.com with your feedback any time.